Our contacts
If you have any question or need information on the services we offer
Contact us, we will be glad to help.

Addit S.R.L.
Via Alfieri, 28
41123 Modena (MO)
S.C. Euro 100.000,00 fully paid-up
R.E.A. di Modena n. 364702
Registro Imprese di Modena 03167710361
C.F. e P.IVA 03167710361
+39 059 894879
+39 340 1374564
Direct contacts
Contact our payroll team
Write to learn all about coupon management and processing
Labor consultant
Our professionals will respond to any inquiries regarding
Human Resources Specialist
Contact our human resources consultants
Facility Specialist
Contact our experts if you have any questions about facilities management and utilities
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